Intro to Python
Students learn fundamental programming concepts while building fun, interactive projects in Python. Our unique classes use a project-based approach to make programming more accessible and enjoyable for complete beginners and those returning to programming alike.
Fundamentals of Web Development
Students learn to build and design websites using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Our project-based curriculum makes learning and internalizing the fundamentals a fun and rewarding experience.
- lessons 12
- weeks 12
- min / lesson 55
Price: $ 599
User Interface Development
Students learn to create stunning user interfaces while building upon the fundamentals of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript learned in the previous course. Designing functional, aesthetically pleasing user interfaces is an essential skill for aspiring programmers.
- lessons 12
- weeks 12
- min / lesson 55
Price: $ 599
Wizard Level I Capstone
Students show off what they’ve learned throughout this Wizard Level by creating larger projects using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Python. Our Capstone courses foster creativity and independence while helping students solidify the fundamentals.
- 3 Big Projects
- Incorporating All Wizard Level 1 Skills
- Create A Strong Coding Portfolio
- lessons 12
- weeks 12
- min / lesson 55
Price: $ 599
APIs and Databases
Students learn to create full-stack web applications that utilize browser and server-based APIs and learn to manage data in a relational database. Professional developers building real-world applications use the skills students learn in this course daily in their programming jobs!
- lessons 12
- weeks 12
- min / lesson 55
Price: $ 699
Professional Web App Development
Students learn how to create professional websites using the Flask web development framework. Flask is a Python-based framework where students can leverage their programming skills to create impressive, flexible, and unique real-world web applications.
- lessons 12
- weeks 12
- min / lesson 55
Price: $ 699
Modern CSS Framework
Students learn to create intuitive and engaging user interfaces using Bootstrap, one of the most popular front-end CSS frameworks. Using a CSS framework like Bootstrap enhances developer productivity and makes rapidly building web application front-ends a breeze!
- lessons 12
- weeks 12
- min / lesson 55
Price: $ 699
Wizard Level II Capstone
Students reinforce and master the skills learned in this Wizard Level’s previous three courses while creating larger projects in an independent setting. They’ll build experience and confidence working with APIs, relational databases, the Flask web development framework, and the Bootstrap CSS framework.
- 3 Big Projects
- Incorporating All Wizard Level 2 Skills
- Create A Strong Coding Portfolio
- lessons 12
- weeks 12
- min / lesson 55
Price: $ 699
Mastering MVC Framework
Students learn how using the MVC (Model-View-Controller) design pattern can help provide a consistent structure for large web applications. They’ll learn the best practices for creating Flask applications that use the MVC design pattern while building fun and exciting projects!
- lessons 12
- weeks 12
- min / lesson 55
Price: $ 799
Object Relational Mapping
Students learn to use an ORM (Object Relational Mapping) library to manage interactions with a database. ORMs provide an efficient and standard way for application developers to interact with a database when building full-stack web applications.
- lessons 12
- weeks 12
- min / lesson 55
Price: $ 799
DevOps and Software Engineering
Students transition from the CodeWizardsHQ integrated development and hosting environment to their personal machines and cloud-based hosting providers. They’ll download and use the Visual Studio Code text editor to author code, add version control with Git/GitHub, and practice deploying their applications to multiple cloud providers.
- lessons 12
- weeks 12
- min / lesson 55
Price: $ 799
Wizard Level III Capstone
Students show off what they’ve learned in Wizard Level 3 by building personalized websites using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The Capstone course allows students to internalize their learning and develop more extensive projects with customized features.
- 3 Big Projects
- Incorporating All Wizard Level 3 Skills
- Create A Strong Coding Portfolio
- lessons 12
- weeks 12
- min / lesson 55
Price: $ 799
Class Schedule
All students in the core track start in Intro to Python at Wizard Level I. Returning students can continue with the class where they left off.
- New Students
- Returning Students
Start Date | Course | Class Pace | Seats Available | |
Program Benefits For Kids Ages 14-18
- Intro to Python
- Wizard Level I Capstone
- Gain full proficiency in the Python syntax
- Work with user input to create interactive applications
- Design simple games using images, animations, and audio
- Model data with Python lists and dictionaries
- Apply programming knowledge to solve real-world problems
- Fundamentals of Web Development
- User Interface Development
- Professional Web App Development
- Modern CSS Framework
- Wizard Level I & II Capstones
- Ability to code using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
- Build complete websites with text, graphics, and media
- Style web pages with custom CSS designs (colors/fonts)
- Create responsive designs that work on all devices
- Develop dynamic content using JavaScript for interactivity
- APIs and Databases
- Mastering MVC Framework
- Object Relational Mapping
- DevOps and Software Engineering
- Wizard Level II & III Capstones
- Proficiency in front-end web development skills
- Ability to code using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
- Create responsive and interactive websites
Structured Coding Curriculum –
Designed for Skill Development
Each course in the high school coding program builds on what students learned in previous courses, guiding the student down a path that fosters genuine skill development, retention, and mastery!
#1 Coding Program For High School Students
The CodeWizardsHQ Advantage
Our reviews speak for themselves.
Better than a FREE Trial
One trial class is not enough to decide if a program is right for your child. We offer a 100% Money-Back Guarantee for four full sessions.
- 4 Hours of Live Instruction
- 4 Class Projects & 8 Homework Projects
- Fully Unlocked Development Environment
- Access to All Beyond-the-classroom Support Including Live Homework Help
Ready to start your child on their coding journey?
How much does a course cost?
Our courses vary in pricing, ranging from $499-$799 depending on the Program. The price includes a full suite of beyond-the-classroom benefits that your child has access to 24/7 to help them be successful. All courses meet for 12 class sessions. For a full breakdown of course pricing, please see pricing details page.
Tuition can be split into monthly installments through Affirm.
Is there a sibling discount?
Yes, we have a significant discount for siblings. Siblings receive a $150 discount per course. For full details of the sibling discount and how to get it, please see our sibling discounts page.
My child has no coding experience. Is it ok?
Yes! Our classes are designed so that no prior experience is necessary.
Classes are beginner-friendly. Simply start with the first class in the program for your child’s age:
- Animation and Games with Scratch for ages 8-10
- Intro to Programming with Python for ages 11-13
- Intro to Python for ages 14-18
What course should I start with in high school?
The first course in the high school core track is Intro to Python. Upon successful completion of the first course, students progress through our structured and progressive curriculum in the order that they are listed on the curriculum page. See the placement testing page if your student has significant coding experience and would like to start at a higher level in the program.
What coding language should high school students learn?
The first course in the high school core track is Intro to Python. Upon successful completion of the first course, students progress through our structured and progressive curriculum in the order that they are listed on the curriculum page. See the placement testing page if your student has significant coding experience and would like to start at a higher level in the program.
What if my student needs help between classes?
Unlike other coding classes, all students have access to a full suite of beyond-the-classroom benefits including class recordings, live homework help, and the student forum. We’re here to support your child’s learning when they need us. See beyond-the-classroom benefits.
Do high school courses have prerequisites?
The first course in the High School Core Track, Intro to Python, does not require any prior coding knowledge. The course is meant to give teens an introduction to coding and a foundation in Python language for the rest of the courses and the internship.
Each course after that requires completion of the courses before it. You can see the prerequisites for each high school course on the course details page.
What if my child misses a class?
It’s easy to catch up. All class sessions are recorded. Recordings along with class slides are made available to the student shortly after the class is over. Students can review the recorded session and slides before the next class.
You also have a full suite of beyond-the-classroom benefits, everything your child needs to be successful (even if they miss a class). See full benefits.
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