Building Python projects for kids is one of the best ways to solidify programming fundamentals and learn new techniques if you’re beginning your journey as a Python programmer.
In programming, as in many other disciplines, practice makes perfect. Programming is about doing and, for programmers, that means sitting at the keyboard writing code.
View 10 Beginner Python Projects for Kids
Once you gain confidence following step-by-step tutorials to code projects, you can start to modify these projects to your liking or create projects from scratch without instructions.
Don’t be afraid to work on projects; that’s how you’ll learn and grow as a programmer!
Fun Python Projects For Kids and Beginners
At CodeWizardsHQ, we focus on learning fundamental programming concepts through building simple projects. Our coding classes take a project-based approach (as opposed to an exercise-based one) that helps to keep kids engaged and see the practical use cases of each new programming concept as they learn them. Kids will have many projects to showcase and reference after completing each course. Using something you’ve programmed is much more satisfying than pointing to a bunch of stale exercises you finished!
If you’re hitting a roadblock on what to build, try one of these fun Python projects for kids and beginners. You’ll practice core Python skills while also creating something useful, or at least fun. These projects will get your creative juices flowing and inspire your own Python project ideas.
10 Beginner Python Projects for Kids
1. Mad Libs
Mad Libs is a popular game where you fill in the blanks in a sentence with a type of word (verb, noun, adjective, etc.) and the sentence changes depending on which word you pick for each type. This app allows you to create the Mad Lib (or use the one we’ve provided) and prompt a user to fill in the blanks.
Python Skills:
- Multiline strings
- Getting user input
- f-strings
- Printing data
2. Guess The Number
Working with randomness and loops is important when programming, and a “Guess The Number” app allows you to practice both concepts. In this app, you’ll ask a user to repetedly guess a number between 1 and 10 and tell them if they are too high or too low. The user can keep guessing the number until they get it right. At the end, the user is told how many turns it took them to guess the number.
Python Skills:
- Random numbers
- Boolean values
- Counter-controlled repetition with for loops
- Conditional logic
- Incrementing a value in a variable
- Converting user input to int
3. Random Nickname Generator
In this project, you’ll prompt a user for their first and last names and then you’ll insert a random nickname between their first and last names. Although it sounds simple, you’ll be using many core programming concepts to get this app to work!
Python Skills:
- Modules
- Variables
- Multiline strings
- Getting user input
- Using f-strings
- Lists
- Getting random values from a list
4. Quiz App
This project allows users to take a quiz to test their knowledge of different programming langauges. The number of correct/incorrect answers are tracked and the user recieves different messages depending on how well they did on the quiz.
Python Skills:
- Dictionaries
- Looping through dictionaries
- Using len() to get the length of a sequence
- Incrementing a numeric value
- Conditional statements
5. Strong Password Generator
When browsing the internet, you’re often asked to create a user account with a strong password to protect your account from hackers. In this app, you’ll learn how to create strong, secure passwords using Python!
Python Skills:
- The string module
- Generating random integers
- Creating named constants for options
- for loops and counter-controlled repetition
- Conditional statements
- Building str with +=
- Converting user input to int with int()
6. Python Chatbot
Chatbots are very common these days, and Python can be used to program a simple or sophisticated chatbot. The chatbot in this app will respond to a few standard commands and do things like give users a random fact and perform simple math operations.
Python Skills:
- Conditional statements
- Selecting random items from a list
- Indefinite looping
- Ending a loop with the break statement
- str methods
- Lists
7. Atbash Cipher
Python is a popular language for cybersecurity professionals, and a cipher app is a good way to practice some basic cryptography skills. In this app, a user can encrypt or decrypt a phrase using the Atbash cipher, which is one of the oldest substitution ciphers in existence.
Python Skills:
- User-defined functions
- Function parameters, return values
- Looping through a sequence with for loops
- Complex conditional statements
- Membership testing with the in operator
- str methods
- Indexing str
- Method chaining
8. Video Game Browser
Python excels at sifting through large datasets. In this app, a user can browse a large dataset of video game data and search through the data using a keyword to pull relevant results matching that keyword.
Python Skills:
- Reading CSV files
- Multiple assignment
- Building a list by iterating through a sequence
- Indefinite loops
- Conditional statements
- f-strings
9. Random Dad Jokes
Everyone loves a good dad joke, right? In this app, you’ll see how Python is can be used to pull data from an external API (Application Programming Interface) and use that data to make something goofy like a random dad joke generator.
Python Skills:
- Requesting data from an API
- Parsing JSON data
- Dictionaries
- User-defined functions
- Indefinite loops
- Conditional statements
- User input
10. Current Weather App
Have you ever left the house without your umbrella, only to get covered in rain? In this app, you’ll see how Python can be used to pull weather data from an API based on a user’s current location.
Python Skills:
- Requesting data from an API that requires an API key
- Parsing JSON data
- Dictionaries
- User-defined functions
- Indefinite loops
- Encoding query parameters
Download Python Projects Source Code
If you want to see the source code behind these 10 Python projects, download the full code for free. These code examples are great for practicing skills you’ve learned and inspiring your own custom projects.
What can a kid do with Python?
Python is a versatile, general-purpose programming language. You can build nearly any kind of app in Python, but the most common uses are web development, data science, AI/ML, cybersecurity, scientific computing, and automation.
Here are some types of apps you’ll often see Python used to create:
- Server-side logic of web applications
- Visualizations based on large datasets
- Using AI/ML to assist physicians as they diagnose diseases
- Analyzing malware that hackers use to attack vulnerable users
- Determining ancient weather patterns through analysis of climate patterns
- Automating repetitive tasks to improve productivity
Free Python Project Resources
Due to its popularity, there are hundreds of free resources on the web for learning Python. Some are interactive and proceed in small chunks, while others are more academic-focused and go very deep into the language. Whatever your level of experience or interest, there’s something for you in the Python learning ecosystem! Here are some excellent resources for learning Python:
- The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Python
- Exercism
- The Python Tutorial
- Real Python
- FreeCodeCamp
- Coursera
- Python Basics
- Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python
- Think Python
- Codecademy
Kids Can Learn to Code in Python
You can learn to code Python apps like those shown above at CodeWizardsHQ. We teach Python (and HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and SQL) throughout our structured coding classes (in elementary, middle, and high school). We even have a three-course track devoted solely to learning Python if you only want to work in one programming language.
Our online classes for Python meet weekly and are taught by a live instructor in a small group setting (typically 4 to 6 students per class). We believe everyone can be a programmer, and we’re excited to show you how much you can learn!