Is rock, paper, scissors more about skill or luck? Everyone has their own theory, but it’s one of those games that we all love to play when we’re bored.

The logic is relatively simple, so it’s an easy game for beginners to turn into code too. You can replicate this game in any coding language, but JavaScript is a great way to play.

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In this tutorial, we’ll automate a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors versus the computer. Use computational thinking to setup the game and handle the possible game outcomes. Follow this tutorial to build your own rock, paper, scissors game and try out your luck (or skills!).

Complete this JavaScript tutorial to make your own Rock, Paper, Scissors game.

Play the completed Rock, Paper, Scissors.

Rock paper scissors javascript game

Recommended: JavaScript for Kids

What you need:

1. Text editor

We’ll be using the CodeWizardsHQ editor to write and run our JavaScript code.

You can also use an online text editor like replit that allows you to author and run JavaScript programs in a web browser. Make sure you have all of the project base files in order for your program to work correctly.

2. Base Files

Download the base files and open the app.js file. This folder contains all the images and files you will need to complete your game.

If you’re a CodeWizardsHQ student, download the x_hour_of_code_2022 project for the completed code. The starter files are in the javascript-projects/rock-paper-scissors/starter-files directory. 

Note: The index.html file (which executes the JavaScript) expects the filename app.js so you must use the same file name if you’re using your own text editor! You’ll edit the app.js file but you’ll always run the index.html file.

This tutorial is for beginner JavaScript programmers ages 8+. It assumes you understand basic HTML/CSS and JavaScript. Let’s get started!

Step 1: Add some setup code to handle the player’s choice.

We’ll begin by adding code to set up when the player clicks the emoji to make their choice.

Note: We’ll define all of our functions at the bottom of the file, and leave the variable declarations, event listener registration, and function calls at the top of our file.

var playerChoice = "";
var playerChoice = "";

var playerChoiceContainer = document.querySelector("#player-choice-container");
var playerChoiceContainer = document.querySelector("#player-choice-container");

playerChoiceContainer.addEventListener("click", handlePlayerChoice);
playerChoiceContainer.addEventListener("click", handlePlayerChoice);

function handlePlayerChoice(event) {

rock paper scissors step 1

Step 2: Add logic to handle the player’s choice

Once the player clicks on their emoji choice, we need to add logic that will save their choice and display it on the screen.

function handlePlayerChoice(event) {
    if (!"emoji")) return;

function handlePlayerChoice(event) {
    if (!"emoji")) return;

    playerChoice =;
    playerChoiceContainer.innerHTML = `<p class="emoji">${playerChoice}</p>`;


Step 2 Output

rock paper scissors step 2

Step 3: Show an emoji on the page for the computer’s choice

We’ll create a function that will eventually shuffle the emojis on the page and display the computer’s choice. In this step, we’ll create the function and display a single emoji choice on the page.

var playerChoice = "";
var computerChoice = "";

You can find each emoji here:

var playerChoice = "";
var computerChoice = "";
 * Note that the scissors emoji has to have an extra space!
var emojis = ["✂️ ", "📄", "🪨"];
var emojis = ["✂️ ", "📄", "🪨"];

var playerChoiceContainer = document.querySelector("#player-choice-container");
var emojiShuffleElement = document.querySelector("#emoji-shuffle");
function handlePlayerChoice(event) {

function shuffleEmojis() {

function shuffleEmojis() {
    computerChoice = emojis[1];
function shuffleEmojis() {
    computerChoice = emojis[1];
    emojiShuffleElement.textContent = computerChoice;
playerChoiceContainer.addEventListener("click", handlePlayerChoice);


function handlePlayerChoice(event) {

Step 3 Output

rock paper scissors step 3

Step 4: Shuffle the computer’s emoji choices

We’ll create a shuffle animation that shuffles through the Rock, Paper, and Scissors emojis quickly. This makes it seem like the computer is thinking about what choice it will randomly select.

var emojis = ["✂️ ", "📄", "🪨"];
var currentEmojiNumber = 0;
function shuffleEmojis() {
    computerChoice = emojis[currentEmojiNumber];
    emojiShuffleElement.textContent = computerChoice;
function shuffleEmojis() {
    computerChoice = emojis[currentEmojiNumber];
    emojiShuffleElement.textContent = computerChoice;

    if (currentEmojiNumber < emojis.length - 1) {
    } else {
        currentEmojiNumber = 0;

playerChoiceContainer.addEventListener("click", handlePlayerChoice);

shuffleEmojis();  // REMOVE THIS!

function handlePlayerChoice(event) {
var currentEmojiNumber = 0;

var shuffleIntervalID = setInterval(shuffleEmojis, 150);

var playerChoiceContainer = document.querySelector("#player-choice-container");

Step 4 Output

rock paper scissors step 4

Step 5: Pick a random emoji for the computer

Now that the computer’s possible choices are shuffling between Rock, Paper, and Scissors, we need to actually pick a random choice for the computer after the player makes their choice.

function handlePlayerChoice(event) {
    if (!"emoji")) return;
    playerChoice =;
    playerChoiceContainer.innerHTML = `<p class="emoji">${playerChoice}</p>`;

Step 5 Output

rock paper scissors step 5

Step 6: Decide who won the game

For our last step, we’ll create a function to see who won the game.

function determineGameWinner() {

playerChoiceContainer.addEventListener("click", handlePlayerChoice);

function determineGameWinner() {

    var gameResultMessageElement = document.querySelector("#game-result-message");
    var gameResultMessage = "";


function handlePlayerChoice(event) {
function determineGameWinner() {
    var gameResultMessageElement = document.querySelector("#game-result-message");
    var gameResultMessage = "";

    if (playerChoice === computerChoice) {
        gameResultMessage = "It's a tie!";
        // Note the extra space in the scissors emoji!
    } else if (playerChoice === "🪨" && computerChoice === "✂️ ") {
        gameResultMessage = "Player wins!";
    } else if (playerChoice === "📄" && computerChoice === "🪨") {
        gameResultMessage = "Player wins!";
    } else if (playerChoice === "✂️ " && computerChoice === "📄") {
        gameResultMessage = "Player wins!";
    } else {
        gameResultMessage = "Computer wins!";

function determineGameWinner() {

    if (playerChoice === computerChoice) {
        gameResultMessage = "It's a tie!";
        // Note the extra space in the scissors emoji!
    } else if (playerChoice === "🪨" && computerChoice === "✂️ ") {
        gameResultMessage = "Player wins!";
    } else if (playerChoice === "📄" && computerChoice === "🪨") {
        gameResultMessage = "Player wins!";
    } else if (playerChoice === "✂️ " && computerChoice === "📄") {
        gameResultMessage = "Player wins!";
    } else {
        gameResultMessage = "Computer wins!";

    gameResultMessageElement.textContent = gameResultMessage + " Refresh to play again!";
function handlePlayerChoice(event) {
    if (!"emoji")) return;
    playerChoice =;
    playerChoiceContainer.innerHTML = `<p class="emoji">${playerChoice}</p>`;

Step 6 Output

rock paper scissors step 6

Your game is complete! 

Check out the finished project.

rock paper scissors complete game

Download the project files and open app.js to view the completed project code.

Add this fun game to your portfolio and show it off to family and friends. You can even customize the code to be your own version of Rock, Paper, Scissors with new rules and design.

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If you want to get the code behind 7 different JavaScript projects, download the full source code for free. You can use this code as an example to add to or inspire new projects. Enter your email below:

If you want to code more websites and games in JavaScript, join CodeWizardsHQ’s live coding classes for kids. It’s the most fun and effective way for kids to learn JavaScript and other real-world languages. 

Students in all of our core programming tracks study JavaScript because of its importance in web development and beyond. They work with a live, expert instructor who supports them every step of the way. Classes are engaging and you’ll build a portfolio of websites, games, and apps as you learn.