Meet the Tyagi family and find out how learning to code at CodeWizardsHQ has led Jeeya to be our Student of the Month!

“... with CodeWizardsHQ she has finally found something that works for her. She went from someone who loathed coding to someone who is now confident in her ability to code! The best part about these lessons is that one can attend from anywhere in the world – she even attended classes from India where she was vacationing during her summer break!Jeeya’s Parents

Jeeya’s Favorite Projects:

CodeWizardsHQ’s community spreads around the world. We are lucky to have amazing families like the Tyagi family!

Jeeya and her family were kind enough to answer a few questions about their coding adventure.

Jeeya’s Answers

Q. What’s your coding background?

Before CodeWizards, I never really liked coding, so I didn’t try to learn about it. Coming into CodeWizards, I only had some knowledge of basic Scratch, but that was it. As I began to take lessons from CodeWizards, what I was learning began to stick with me and I was able to learn so much more. As of right now, I know basic python, CSS/HTML, and am working on JavaScript.

Q. What are some things you like about learning to code with CWHQ?

I love being able to learn from the comfort of my house. I can choose whether I want to learn in my pajamas or with a blanket on or if I want to sit all twisted up like a pretzel. The teachers are also really awesome! They do their best to help us and put in as much time as it takes to make sure we understand the content we learn. They also encourage us to be as creative as possible. The baseline is that CodeWizards allows me to be comfortable while I’m learning, physically and mentally!

Jeeya with family
Q. What are your family’s hobbies?

My family loves to hike, bike, and listen to music. We mostly hike and bike on scenic mountain paths and riverside trails. My family’s music tastes range from Bollywood to 2000s pop to 80s rock. Even with the whole diverse array of music, we all love listening to each other’s music.

Q. What subjects do you enjoy in school?

I love biology and my principles of engineering course. Biology is fun because it’s a challenge. I struggle with the concepts sometimes and so I have to really think to understand what I’m learning about. I love my engineering course because I love to design and make things.

Q. Anything else fun and interesting you’d like to share about your family?

An interesting thing about my family is our love of learning. We all have a passion for exploring the world around us and understanding more about it. We actively seek out challenges and enjoy not only the solution but also the effort put into reaching our goals!

Jeeya’s Parents’ Responses:

Q. How did you find out about CodeWizardsHQ?

A: We found out about CodeWizardsHQ from an email that our school PTSA sent out.

Q. Do you have a specific experience or story you’d like to share that your student has shared related to your classes at CWHQ?

A: Initially, Jeeya did not like coding. We tried to introduce her to it when she was little – in the form of simple games; and then when she was a bit older, we enrolled her in a few classes – she disliked them all and decided that coding was not her cup of tea.

With CodeWizardsHQ, however, she has finally found something that works for her. She went from someone who loathed coding to someone who is now confident in her ability to code! The best part about these lessons is that one can attend from anywhere in the world – she even attended classes from India where she was vacationing during her summer break!

Q. How do you think coding is going to impact your family in the future?

A: We think coding, for our children’s generation, is going to be like reading was for our generation – an essential life skill.

Q. What goals or dreams do you have around coding for your children?

A: We would like our children to be able to understand, appreciate and be inspired by the intricacies of technology. We would love for our children to be able to apply the skills they have acquired towards the greater good.

Jeeya has graduated from Python, HTML/CSS, and soon JavaScript in the middle school coding program.

Here is what her teacher, Tyler Crocker, had to say about her:

“Jeeya Tyagi is one of my more forward-thinking students. Many of her projects are submitted not using ANY of the images or audio provided. She also makes a lot of My Hero Academia (see projects below) themed projects which is a triple check in my book! On top of her great classwork, she is also working on her Gold Award for Girl Scouts.” 

CodeWizardsHQ Teacher, Tyler Crocker

At CodeWizardsHQ, Our Students Are Our Top Priority.

We are lucky to have Jeeya and her family as a part of our community!

Interested in learning to code this summer? 
See our summer classes and coding camps for kids.

Level up your child’s learning experience. Take a coding class with CodeWizardsHQ:
Elementary School Coding ProgramMiddle School Coding ProgramHigh School Coding Program