Meet Liliana, an entrepreunerial go-getter, who is learning to code at CodeWizardsHQ. Her hard work and dedication has led her to be our Student of the Month!
“I think that all children should learn some aspect of coding and I wish that I had gotten Liliana involved much earlier in her life.”
– Liliana’s Parents
Liliana has always had a good memory. Whether using it to memorize scripts for plays or learning the data needed to present a top-notch speech, her memory has served her well. So, when she first heard about CodeWizardsHQ, she was eager to put her skills to the test.
“I have always found computers and coding to be an interesting subject. When my Mom first introduced me to CodeWizardsHQ’s classes I thought it would be an exciting opportunity to learn more and I have not been disappointed.”
Applying Her Coding Skills to A New Business
Currently in high school, Liliana already has an eye looking towards her future goals in business. She is in a dual enrollment program with her school allowing her to earn college credits towards a Business Management degree, with a focus in Entrepreneurship. However, she’s not content to just learn about getting into business, but instead is diving in headfirst herself.
When we asked Liliana about her goals for the future, she wasn’t quite ready to reveal the details of her million-dollar idea. Her mother had this to say, “Next month she is going to be starting her own business and is going to be working on her own website for that business.”
Designing a functional website for a business can be a difficult task even for experienced entrepreneurs. A well-designed web page pulls together many different moving parts using multiple different coding languages. This feat of organization can be thrown off by the smallest of errors, but Lilliana has already shown herself to be up to the task.
She says, “The easiest thing about coding to me is writing it all out and piecing it together once you know what you are doing. The hardest is going back over your code if there is a bug to try to solve the issue. This is because the problem can be tiny, like missing a semicolon or even a typo. Even though it is the hardest, I credit it with making me micro detail-oriented.”
Finding Confidence in Learning to Code
Of course, learning a skill like coding a website is only a single facet of all that’s needed to have a successful business. A startup also needs a problem to solve, an idea to help solve it, and, most importantly, the confidence to move forward with that idea and change the world. How does a young girl still in high school find the confidence needed to take on the challenges of the business world? Liliana’s mother thinks she knows the answer.
“I feel that her coding classes have been a catalyst to her eagerness to get started with an idea while she is still learning.”
The fact that she has so much fun doing it may be another factor.
“I have enjoyed learning backend development and CSS coding, the result of which is two different types of coding come together to make a cool looking website. Seeing the result really sparks creativity and makes me want to learn more.”
Her mother adds, “Liliana is excited to share with us after EVERY class and she spends extra time practicing and reading about coding. That is impressive in and of itself because most teens get quiet about their school. It is so enjoyable for her that we do not even have to ask because she is so enthusiastic, she shares on her own.”
It is clear that Liliana has a bright future ahead of her, but what is even more impressive is how her coding prowess is helping her in the present. Liliana has already put her knowledge to work helping out some of the most important people in her life. Her family.
Helping Her Family With Her Technology Skills
“I have used the skills I have learned to help my mother and grandmother with different websites. It is a running joke in our family that the younger person knows more about computers than the adults.”
In regards to Liliana’s love of coding, her mother adds, “Once she dabbled in it, she has not only maintained her excitement, but she shares it with all of us, including her little sister. We will certainly be getting our youngest involved in coding as well in the future.”
Here is what Liliana’s Teacher, Larry, had to say about her:
“Liliana is a funny, talented, and creative!”
Larry Cherry, CodeWizardsHQ Teacher
With her commitment to family, her eagerness for a challenge, and her drive to keep learning and growing, it is obvious that Liliana will be ready for a successful future!
Liliana’s Standout Projects:
At CodeWizardsHQ, Our Students Are
Our Top Priority.
We are lucky to have Liliana and her family as a part of our community!
Interested in learning to code this summer?
See our summer classes and coding camps for kids.
Level up your child’s learning experience. Take a coding class with CodeWizardsHQ:
Elementary School Coding Program, Middle School Coding Program, High School Coding Program