Meet the Winn Family from Texas and find out how learning to code with CodeWizardsHQ has led Lee to be our Student of the Month!

“Coding will be extremely useful far into the future. It is quickly reaching the point that it should probably be mandatory for our youth.”

– The Winn Family

Here are some of Lee’s Favorite Projects:

CodeWizardsHQ’s community spreads around the world. We are lucky to have amazing families like the Winn family! Their family consists of Dad, Mom, an adult brother, Lee, 13, and Lee’s maternal grandparents. They also have 2 dogs!

Lee and his family were kind enough to answer a few questions about their #codingadventure.

Lee’s answers: 

Q. What’s your coding background?

I took a summer coding class in 2018. It covered the basics of HTML and CSS. Also, while I was in the summer class, I got introduced to Scratch. I now do some Scratch, but I mainly focus on CWHQ’s classes.

Q: What are your family’s hobbies?

My dad, granddad, and I enjoy playing golf. My dad and I enjoy fishing as well. In the summer, my family likes to go swimming as well. My mom, grandmother, and brother enjoy playing games with us whenever we get the opportunity.

Q: What subjects do you enjoy in school?

I enjoy Math, Science, and History.

Q: Anything else fun and interesting you’d like to share about your family?

My dad was a missionary for a period of time. He went to Zambia, China, and India. While in China, my family adopted me from an orphanage.

Q: So how did you find out about CodeWizardsHQ?

My mom found it while searching the web for online coding websites.

Q: What are some things you like about learning coding with CWHQ?

I enjoy learning especially about CSS and how it changes and intertwines HTML. I also enjoyed learning Python code in Intro to Programming.

Lee’s Parents’ answers:

Q: Do you have a specific experience or story you’d like to share that your student has mentioned about classes at CWHQ?

Lee has truly enjoyed both teachers in his first two classes. He is naturally a very hard worker and has really benefitted from their encouragement and acknowledgement of this. He looks forward to each class and even made certain he could attend class while on a recent vacation. He always shares what he has learned and what has happened in each class immediately after it.

Q: What role will coding have in your family’s future?

Lee is loving everything Coding so far. At this point, he plans to take all the CodeWizardsHQ classes and hopes to do one of their internships. He is thinking about Coding for a career. He already works in our family business, shipping all correspondence courses, so he knows he could use Coding for the website eventually as well.

Q: What goals or dreams do you for your children in relation to coding?

It is quite clear that Coding will be extremely useful far into the future. It is quickly reaching the point that it should probably be mandatory for our youth. We want Lee to have as many tools to prepare him for today and tomorrow as possible and believe learning Coding is the key to that. We know he could have a great career in it, but of course, that will be his decision.

Lee has taken two courses at CodeWizardsHQ, here is what his teacher Lynn had to say about him:

Lee is extremely hard working and fastidious. He pushes every assignment far beyond what is required. He takes time to add extra code and content, embellishing and turning each project into its own unique and complete creation. Lee is also inquisitive, courteous, and kind. He is a joy to teach!

At CodeWizardsHQ, Our Students Are Our Top Priority.

We are lucky to have Lee and his family as a part of our community!

Interested in learning to code this summer? See our summer coding camps for kids.

Learn more about our online coding program for elementarymiddle, and high school.