Last weekend, CodeWizardsHQ sponsored a Hackathon in Austin. Austin Mayor Steve Adler was at the event to give a keynote and announce the winners.

He shared an interesting personal story. A story that shows the promise learning to code has for our children.

His said that his third daughter had a business idea while in high school. Without knowing how to code, she didn’t have the skills to bring her idea to life.

She enrolled in a course and learned to code. Step-by-step she brought that idea to life. Her company is called It now employs 20 people. She is the co-founder and CTO.

He said, “Her company is getting buyout offers putting her in a very good place at the age of 24”.

No one can guarantee our children a specific outcome as a result of learning something.

However, we want to avoid this for our children: They had a brilliant idea and it never came to life just because they didn’t know how to code.