The Austin EdTech Startup has partnered with ChickTech to #GiveBack

[Austin, TX, October 1, 2019] CodeWizardsHQ, the global coding school for youth ages 8-18, has partnered with ChickTech, a national organization serving thousands of girls and women every year through tech programs and events.

The partnership aims to improve access to technology education to students and broaden the impact of ChickTech. ChickTech & CodeWizardsHQ are working together to create a roadmap for local ChickTech Chapters to involve youth in coding. 

The harder part of getting girls and youth into technology is getting them to try it and experience the fun and joy of programming. CodeWizardsHQ offers an Introduction to Python class that is designed to do exactly that. We create Aha! moments while exposing students to the wonders of programming, creating a passion for coding! 

With this partnership, CodeWizardsHQ and Chicktech plan to bring that introductory programming class to a far broader audience. 

The introductory class typically costs $39/student. As a result of this partnership, the course will be made available at a partner price of just $20/student. Of that, 50% of the class fees will be donated back to ChickTech by CodeWizardsHQ. The funds raised will help ChickTech continue FREE youth hands-on, technology workshops for girls, including non-binary and transgender youth, across the country.

ChickTech was founded in 2012 to engage women and girls of all ages in the technology industry while working to create a better technology culture for all. ChickTech has made a direct impact on tens of thousands of participants, including girls, women, and men. Their programs include summer camps, ChickTech: High School, Meetup groups for adults in tech, and ACT-W Conferences.

CodeWizardsHQ offers an innovative and pragmatic multi-year curriculum for grades 3-12. For young learners, CodeWizards’ Junior Level focuses on scratch programming while older students participate in a comprehensive course sequence that begins with an introductory programming series that progresses through advanced algorithms and data science. The final year students get real-world experience through an internship or capstone project. Beyond coding, the CodeWizardsHQ educational experience nurtures curiosity and builds confidence through a student-centric pedagogy that includes social and emotional components that foster collaboration, exploration and personal growth.

If you would like more information about this topic contact Ana-Maria Medina,


Ana-María Medina, CodeWizardsHQ


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