Guess the right word before your snowman melts! 

We’ve created this tutorial just in time for the holidays. Code a fun word game that you can share with family and friends. 

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This Christmas-themed guessing game uses simple JavaScript code to power the game functions. Try coding this game following the tutorial and then customize it to make it your own.

Complete this JavaScript tutorial to make your own Disappearing Snowman Game.

Play the completed Disappearing Snowman Game.

Disappearing snowman javascript game

Recommended: JavaScript for Kids

What you need:

1. Text editor

We’ll be using the CodeWizardsHQ editor to write and run our JavaScript code.

You can also use an online text editor like replit that allows you to author and run JavaScript programs in a web browser. Make sure you have all of the project base files in order for your program to work correctly.

2. Base Files

Download the base files and open the app.js file. This folder contains all the images and files you will need to complete your game.

If you’re a CodeWizardsHQ student, download the x_hour_of_code_2022 project for the completed code. The starter files are in the javascript-projects/disappearing-snowman/starter-files directory.

Note: The index.html file (which executes the JavaScript) expects the filename app.js so you must use the same file name if you’re using your own text editor! You’ll edit the app.js file but you’ll always run the index.html file.

This tutorial is for beginner JavaScript programmers ages 8+. It assumes you understand basic HTML/CSS and JavaScript. Let’s get started!

Step 1: Fade keyboard keys on click

When someone uses our app, they’ll try to guess the hidden word one letter at a time by clicking the keyboard on the page with their mouse. In this step, we’ll fade out each letter they click and ensure that no more logic runs on a faded-out letter. 

/* Added by JavaScript */

.hidden {
    display: none;

.selected {
    opacity: 0.3;

Navigate back to your app.js file to add the selected class to any key the user clicks.

var randomWord = getRandomWord(words);

var keyboardContainer = document.querySelector("#keyboard-container");
keyboardContainer.addEventListener("click", handleKeyboardClick);
keyboardContainer.addEventListener("click", handleKeyboardClick);


function handleKeyboardClick(event) {

function handleKeyboardClick(event) {

    var clickedElement =;

    if (!clickedElement.classList.contains("letter") || clickedElement.classList.contains("selected")) return;



Hint: Test this out by clicking a few of the keys on the HTML page. They should fade out as you click them!

Step 1 Output:

Javascript tutorial step 1

Step 2: Check for a match when clicking a keyboard key

In this step, we’ll check to see if the keyboard key a user clicks matches any of the letters in the hidden word. If so, we’ll show all of the matching letters in the hidden word.


function checkForMatch(clickedLetter) {
  var hiddenLetterElements = document.querySelectorAll(".hidden");

function handleKeyboardClick(event) {

function checkForMatch(clickedLetter) {
    var hiddenLetterElements = document.querySelectorAll(".hidden");

    for (var hiddenLetterElement of hiddenLetterElements) {
        var hiddenLetter = hiddenLetterElement.textContent;
        if (hiddenLetter === clickedLetter) {
function handleKeyboardClick(event) {
    var clickedElement =;
    if (!clickedElement.classList.contains("letter") || clickedElement.classList.contains("selected")) return;


    var clickedLetter = clickedElement.textContent;


Step 2 Output:

Javascript tutorial step 2

Step 3: Remove a snowman part when there’s no match for a clicked keyboard key

Now that we can tell if a user found a match or not, we need to remove a snowman part whenever there isn’t a match. This makes it seem like the snowman is melting if you guess a letter incorrectly!

snowman html css

index.html (no changes here, just shown for context)

<section id="snowman-container">
    <img class="hat" src="images/hat.png" />
    <img class="face nose" src="images/nose.png" />
    <img class="face eyes" src="images/eyes.png" />
    <img class="face mouth" src="images/mouth.png" />
    <img class="scarf" src="images/scarf.png" />
    <img class="hands left-hand" src="images/left-hand.png" />
    <img class="hands right-hand" src="images/right-hand.png" />
    <img class="body-top" src="images/body-top.png" />
    <img class="body-middle" src="images/body-middle.png" />
    <img class="body-bottom" src="images/body-bottom.png" />


var randomWord = getRandomWord(words);
var keyboardContainer = document.querySelector("#keyboard-container");
var snowmanParts = [".hat", ".face", ".scarf", ".hands", ".body-top", ".body-middle", ".body-bottom"];

keyboardContainer.addEventListener("click", handleKeyboardClick);
function removeSnowmanPart() {
    var snowmanPart = snowmanParts.shift();
    var partsToRemove = document.querySelectorAll(snowmanPart);
function removeSnowmanPart() {
    var snowmanPart = snowmanParts.shift();
    var partsToRemove = document.querySelectorAll(snowmanPart);

    for (var partToRemove of partsToRemove) {
function checkForMatch(clickedLetter) {
    var hiddenLetterElements = document.querySelectorAll(".hidden");
    var hasMatch = false;
    for (var hiddenLetterElement of hiddenLetterElements) {
        var hiddenLetter = hiddenLetterElement.textContent;
        if (hiddenLetter === clickedLetter) {
            hasMatch = true;

    return hasMatch;
function handleKeyboardClick(event) {
    var clickedElement =;

    if (!clickedElement.classList.contains("letter") || clickedElement.classList.contains("selected")) return;


    var clickedLetter = clickedElement.textContent;
    var hasMatch = checkForMatch(clickedLetter);

    if (!hasMatch) {

Step 3 Output

Javascript tutorial step 4

Recommended: JavaScript Classes for Kids

Step 4: Check if the player loses

A game is no fun without winners and losers! In this step, we’ll show a message if the user guesses incorrectly too many times and the snowman melts before they guess the hidden word. 

function checkForLoser() {
    if (snowmanParts.length === 0) {

function checkForLoser() {
    if (snowmanParts.length === 0) {
        document.querySelector("#snowman-container").innerHTML = "<h2>You lost, game over!</h2>";
        keyboardContainer.innerHTML = `<h2>The word was: ${randomWord}</h2>`; 

function handleKeyboardClick(event) {
    var clickedElement =;

    if (!clickedElement.classList.contains("letter") || clickedElement.classList.contains("selected")) return;


    var clickedLetter = clickedElement.textContent;
    var hasMatch = checkForMatch(clickedLetter);

    if (!hasMatch) {

Step 4 Output

Javascript tutorial step 4

Step 5: Check if the player wins

For our final step, we’ll show a message if the player guesses the hidden word without melting the snowman!

function checkForWinner() {
    var hiddenLetterElements = document.querySelectorAll(".hidden");
function checkForWinner() {
    var hiddenLetterElements = document.querySelectorAll(".hidden");
    if (hiddenLetterElements.length === 0) {
        keyboardContainer.innerHTML = "<h2>You win!</h2>";
function handleKeyboardClick(event) {
    var clickedElement =;

    if (!clickedElement.classList.contains("letter") || clickedElement.classList.contains("selected")) return;


    var clickedLetter = clickedElement.textContent;
    var hasMatch = checkForMatch(clickedLetter);

    if (!hasMatch) {
    } else {

Step 5 Output

Javascript tutorial step 5

Your program is complete!

Check out the finished Disappearing Snowman Game.

Javascript tutorial completed game

Download the project files and open app.js to view the completed project.

This is just an example of what you can build when you learn JavaScript. There are plenty of exciting projects you can try and continue to build your skills.

Download JavaScript Projects Source Code

If you want to get the code behind 7 different JavaScript projects, download the full source code for free. You can use this code as an example to add to or inspire new projects. Enter your email below:

If you want to code more websites and games in JavaScript, join CodeWizardsHQ’s live coding classes for kids. It’s the most fun and effective way for kids to learn JavaScript and other real-world languages.. 

Students in all of our core tracks study JavaScript because of its importance in web development and beyond. They work with a live, expert instructor who supports them every step of the way. Classes are engaging and you’ll build a portfolio of websites, games, and apps as you learn. 

Have fun and happy holidays!