“I can’t tell you how excited I was to hear that she really enjoyed the course enough to want to learn more.”
– Stacie Lewin
Blogger at Super Mommy to the Rescue
“CodeWizardsHQ keeps classes small so that each student can get individual attention from the instructor”
– Bonnie Way
Blogger at The Koala Mom
“I was also impressed by CodeWizardsHQ’s coding platform.”
“Raine and I loved the class.”
– Rheea Hermoso-Prudente
Blogger at Rainy Days and Mom Days
“My son was really impressed with the class… honestly, I even learned a lot just watching my son.”
– Renee Knoblauch
Blogger at Little Homeschool On The Praire
“If the child was having problems and couldn’t fix it on his own, the teacher was there to immediately get him back on track.”
– Christy Bagasao
Blogger at The Simple Home Maker
“I am thrilled that he did such a fabulous job!”
– Lisa McKinney
Blogger at Farm Fresh Adventures
“This teacher kept the class focused by asking a lot of questions then going over the answers one by one. I didn’t feel lost at all. That alone is a great reason to take these classes instead of others out there.”
– Betty Daley
Blogger at Lets Get Real
“CodeWizardsHQ is a coding program that is entirely different from any other that I have reviewed before.”
– Amber Smith
Blogger at 200 Fingers and Toes
“I was impressed with the caliber of the class. I think what Matthew learned was simple enough that the class wasn’t overwhelming, but he didn’t feel like anything had been dumbed down.”
– Meg Falciani
Blogger at Adventures with Jude
“I like the idea of structured class times (with recorded videos for any classes missed) and live instructors. When he had questions, he got an immediate answer from his knowledgeable instructor.”
– Jennifer A.
Blogger at Faithful Homestead
“This program stands out from others due to its “live” classes. This allows kids to benefit from a real connection with their teacher plus have the support of real-time instruction.”
– Kimberley Linkletter
Blogger at Vintage Blue Suitcase
“I was amazed at how quickly my girl caught on.”
– Laurie Gauger
Blogger at School Days
“…she learned more in that one class working with a live instructor than she has in the past using self-paced classes we have been buying online.”
“It’s also not just bookwork that students will be reading, they are actually building and creating with the knowledge they are learning”
– Renita Kuehner
Blogger at Krazy Kuehner Days
“The interaction with a person who actually knows what she is doing is invaluable. And Josiah is the kind of kid who thrives around that kind of interaction.”’
“I also found the company to be very diligent with their correspondence to address any questions I might have. I like that.”
“This experience was such a positive one and I am beyond thrilled Josiah enjoyed himself so much.”
– Rebekah Teague
Blogger at Charge for Whining
Student1 – “I liked that it was a small group of students so the teacher could help each of us. The teacher is a real person that can talk through you through the process.
It was simple and easy to understand.”
Student2 – “I like the size of the class. A small group of students works well… You can customize your project. You don’t have just copy and produce something someone else has already created.”
– Linda Sears
Blogger at Apron String and Other Things
“I like that they have it divided into 12 classes per course, because it’s bite-sized and seems less daunting than a full year type of course.”
“I also like that they offer so many different courses and that the class size is small enough that each student gets plenty of attention and support.”
– Jenn Land
Blogger at Real and Quirky
“I’d like this so much better than going through a coding book on my own. My son likes to go through coding books but he enjoyed this more and he learned faster than when he has to puzzle things out on his own.”
“He really loved his instructor, Sabrina, and had a really good time taking the course.”
– Lisa Yankey
Blogger at High Energy Homeschool
“The certification aspect is a very nice bonus, and something worth considering if your child is interested in going down the digital path to their future as it is not a little bit of code here, and a little bit of code there, but a complete course that will be helpful to prepare children for college and career success in the digital world.”
– Lis Penney
Blogger at Acorn Nuggets of Gold
“He loved it, and wanted more after the class was over.”
“I think he could do most of it on his own with the live help from the teacher. That right there would be worth it to me! Less for ME to do, and he gets to learn something he loves.”
-Desiree Winz
Blogger at Our Homeschool Notebook
“Her instructor, Samuel Hoffman, was excellent with her and the rest of the students.”
“The classes are interactive and hands-on so your student is engaged right from the start. One of my favorite features is the fact that the classes are kept small, about 6 to 8 students each. That way your child is getting that personal attention they may need in the hour long class.”
-Jacqueline Caffey
Blogger at A Stable Beginning
“As her mother, I was relieved the class went well and it exceeded my expectations. She took a live class a couple of years ago and it was a struggle for her. This time, she enjoyed learning code, wasn’t intimidated by the process, and enjoyed interacting with the teacher and students.”
-Natalie Fullmer
Blogger at Content With Simple
“This set-up – the live class with a qualified instructor – is of great value and benefit in the process of learning how to write computer code. The personal interaction will make all the difference between struggling to figure it out on your own (and likely giving up when it doesn’t work) and truly learning to understand how those lines fit together to make something work.”
-Lori Hooten
Blogger at 3 Giggly Girls at Home
“I really liked that the instructor had the kids actively doing something the majority of the class period and that they had a finished product at the end to give them a sense of accomplishment and a desire to continue.”
Student – “It was super funny and very organized. The instructor taught it really well and helped us when we needed it.”
-Destiny Mawson
Blogger at Some May Call it Destiny
“We were able to secure a weekday time slot during the day – perfect to fit into homeschool families’ schedules.”
“They are putting into practice right then what they are learning and getting feedback in real time. They have the opportunity during the class to ask questions and get clarification on the spot. This has made a difference in the experience.”
-Hillary Moore
Blogger at Walking Fruitfully
Student- “I REALLY liked this class. It helped me learn how to code a lot better. The teacher was really nice and he made sure he answered every question we had.”
“I was really pleased with the class”
“The instructor was phenomenal! He was very knowledgeable and was able to answer not just the students but the parent’s questions as well. I would definitely recommend CodeWizardsHQ to other families.”
-Markie Cooks
Blogger at My Life as Mrs. Cooks
“He cannot stop talking about the class… The teacher was super friendly. Having a coding class online with a LIVE teacher was a new experience that he loved. Coding became fun and exciting.”
Student – “Having a real teacher was better than being taught by the computer because she could answer my questions, taught us step-by-step, repeated things if we needed her to and gave lots of encouragement. I had so much fun.”
“He has fallen in love with coding which will be a great benefit to him in the long term. He will be able to do so many things if he continues to learn coding and all the different coding languages.”
-Kim Rodriguez
Blogger at Good~Sweet~Love
“The instructor, Samuel Hoffman, was so kind and patient with all of the new and nervous students.”
“I would definitely recommend this as a great resource if your child is seriously into coding.”
“The instructor did a great job of explaining things, and helping each child out individually if needed.”
“I would highly recommend CodeWizardsHQ for anyone but especially for children that want to take coding to the next level.”
-Tasha Broussard
Blogger at ABC’s And Sweet Tea
“the teacher was very friendly and knowledge. She was articulate and connected with the kids.”
“the pacing was good, as my son said he was not bored and found it quite interesting”
“it was enough to pick his interest in the subject”
-Joelle Umandap
Blogger at Homeschooling for His Glory
“The instructor, Lynn, was pleasant, articulate, interacted well with the students, showed the utmost patience when students missed something, and was very professional”
-Nancy Mayes
Blogger at Homeschool on Purpose
“Their well-structured program and developmental curriculum have been designed by professionals with a passion for coding.”
-Erika Leaf
Blogger at Raising Leafs
“While free and lower-cost options for learning to code abound, none of them include live, interactive classes which can help students succeed when coding gets frustrating.”
“Gaining experience in coding is essential in the digital age. If you are not confident enough in this area to teach your students personally, I certainly recommend CodeWizardsHQ.”
-Jenn Pearson
Blogger at Peering Through the Lattice
Student – “I enjoyed it a lot. It was informative but at the same time relaxed, so I was more inclined to listen (as opposed to it just throwing information at you where I would probably zone out). I’ve never taken a class in a webinar style before,but even though it pushed me out of my comfort zone a little, it was fun and I would do it again. 10/10 – would recommend”
“our son was actively engaged in the course. He frequently laughed or made comments. On several occasions I heard him ask questions”
-Patti Pierce
Blogger at Truth and Grace Homeschool
STUDENT – “The class was easy to understand. I had a little trouble, but Miss Lynn helped me fix it and my comic turned out really cool looking. I think the class was very enjoyable and it helped me understand more about coding”
“Miss Lynn helped her figure out what she needed to do. Lynn was able to see exactly where she was on her code and what she needed to do to get ‘caught’ back up.”
-Kellyann Walker
Blogger at Walking Home
“My lad thoroughly enjoyed being part of this class and would happily take a course from CodeWizardsHQ”
Student – “I found it very easy to use”
-Annette Villenga
Blogger at A Net in Time
“As much as I try to avoid online or live classes, I was so glad it was live.”
-Trish Hackett
Blogger at We Can Hackett