Given the popularity of games today, it’s no wonder many kids aspire to be game developers and designers. Lua coding is a good choice for those kids interested in game development.

Coding is an exciting world that can lead kids into game development and design. It’s also a good first step whether they want to build games or just learn a new skill. 

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Learning to develop games gives them a sought-after technical skill, but also improves their creativity, problem-solving, and analytical skills. 

Kids who want to learn Lua with personalized help from live instructors can join our top-rated Roblox summer camp

This guide will cover the basics of Lua coding, its features, benefits, and how kids can learn to code in Lua. 

What is Lua?

Lua is a high-level scripting programming language that kids can use to code in Roblox and other platforms. It’s one of our top coding languages for kids because Lua is used extensively in game development to enhance game features, create interactive experiences, and customize game mechanics.

It was originally created by a team at Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. The word “Lua” (pronounced LOO-ah) means “Moon” in Portuguese.

Lua supports procedural programming, object-oriented programming, functional programming, data-driven programming, and data description.

This language combines simple procedural syntax with powerful data description constructs based on associative arrays and extensible semantics. Lua is dynamically typed, runs by interpreting bytecode with a register-based virtual machine, and has automatic memory management with incremental garbage collection, making it ideal for configuration, scripting, and rapid prototyping.

The Lua 5.1 reference manual is the official definition of the Lua language. You can find technical language information in the Lua documentation.

Lua vs. Luau 

Luau is a language derived from Lua 5.1 that’s designed to be faster, more feature-rich, and more performant. It’s described as a fast, small, safe, and gradually typed embeddable scripting language.

It was originally created for Roblox in order to handle the growing sophistication of games on the Roblox platform, growing team sizes, and large internal teams writing a lot of code. 

Some differences in Lua vs. Luau include:

Luau’s main focus is on stable, high-performance code, while Lua focuses on just-in-time (JIT) compilation.

Kids can use either Lua or Luau for scripting in Roblox.

Is Lua Free?

Lua is free open-source software, distributed under the MIT license. Anyone can use it for any purpose, including commercial purposes, at absolutely no cost.

Getting Started With Lua

Getting started with Lua is fast and easy. Kids have likely interacted with Lua before in Roblox. Your child might be interested in the opportunity to not just play but contribute to some of their favorite games and franchises. 

In our Roblox classes, we use Roblox Studio because it already has Lua set up. It allows students to see coding changes in a visual way through the game, versus just in the terminal.

You can also install it on your computer from the source with these instructions. 

Install Lua from Source


  1. Download the Lua software
  2. Open the zip file and extract the contents to your preferred directory (For example: C:/Program Files/Lua)
  3. Next, add the directory where you extracted the binaries to the Windows environment variables (in our case C:/Program Files/Lua)
  4. Click on Start and search “Edit Environment Variables” 
  5. Click on this to redirect you to the Environment Variables Window in the Control Panel
  6. Go to the System Variables Section, search for the Path variable, and click Edit. You can then add the path to where you extracted the binaries. Click OK.
  7. Now, you can access the Lua interpreter from anywhere in your system. To test this, open PowerShell and type “lua”. The interpreter should now run if you have done everything correctly.


If you use Linux or macOS, Lua is either already installed on your system or there is a Lua package for it. 

Here is a simple terminal session that downloads the current release of Lua and builds it in a Linux system:

Pre-compiled Lua libraries and executables are available at LuaBinaries

Kids can also use the live demo to play with Lua if they don’t want to install anything on their computer.

Features of Lua Programming Language

Lua is one of the most popular scripting languages for game development because of the many features that make it powerful and efficient. These features are great for kids learning to code because Lua is both simple and powerful. 

Proven, robust language

Lua has been around since 1993 and since then it has been used across various industries and applications. It’s able to meet the needs of many diverse fields and has continued to evolve. Lua has demonstrated its reliability and effectiveness in many real-world scenarios.


Lua is particularly known for its speed and efficiency. It’s enhanced by JIT (just in time) processing which is designed to be performant and lightweight. This is why it’s been adopted for applications that require quick processing like games and real-time simulations.


Lua’s core is written in ANSI C, and Lua has a relatively simple C application programming interface (API) to embed it across applications. This gives it the ability to run on multiple platforms and architectures with minimal effort making it very portable.


Lua is designed to be integrated seamlessly, or embedded, into other languages as a scripting language. Developers use Lua to extend and customize the functionality of their programs, without rewriting the codebase. 


Lua only has 21 reserved words, making the language much smaller and more concise than others. Its standard library is minimal but can be extended with many packages. Because of its simple syntax, this language is easier for beginners to learn and facilitates quick prototyping. 


Besides its embedded use, Lua has found applications as a scripting language for game engines like Love2D and Corona SDK, web development frameworks like OpenResty for server-side scripting, and scientific computing. Lua’s flexibility allows developers to use it across different projects and industries, demonstrating its versatility in diverse contexts.

features of lua programming language

Why should kids learn Lua Coding?

Lua coding is fun and engaging for kids ages 8 and up!

Lua is powerful, fast, and easy-to-learn so it’s perfect for kids and beginners. While the base of Lua code is compact, it still has similar features to other more complex programming languages. It’s easy to extend Lua with various libraries of additional code. Vice versa, Lua can also be used to extend programs written not only in C and C++, but also in Java, C#, and other languages.

Learning to code benefits kids by helping them learn life skills and building the confidence to conquer any new challenges. 

Kids ages 8 and up can start learning to code with Lua. It has a low barrier of entry for kids to start learning and will grow with them as their skills improve. 

The syntax is straightforward and reads from top to bottom. It’s similar to Python which was also developed with simple and easy-to-understand syntax in mind. 

Lua is not as strict as some other languages so kids will have an easier time picking it up and fixing bugs. This makes it easy for both kids and beginners to read and understand the code. 

Lua also has a strong connection to gaming, which is popular among kids. 

They’re probably already interacting with Lua! In games like Roblox and World of Warcraft. Learning Lua will show kids how code relates to them and their world.

Lua in Roblox

Code in Roblox is written in Luau. In Roblox, you use Luau to create scripts. These scripts give the game sets of instructions on how to give players health points, create a rain of fireballs, or anything else imaginable.

Roblox provides a built-in editor where developers can write and test their Lua scripts directly within the platform, making it accessible for both beginners and experienced developers.

Lua in Minecraft

In Minecraft, Lua is used by a specific mod named ComputerCraft that adds working networked computers and programmable robots (turtles). This mod gives you a pseudo-Linux that runs programs you can write in Lua.

How to learn Lua coding language

Lua is generally considered an easy programming language to learn. As with any coding language, the recommended approach is to provide kids with structured and progressive learning so they continue to grow. 

Our coding classes use a project-based approach so kids learn hands-on by building games, websites, and apps. Students are continuously adding new skills while solidifying the skills they’ve already learned. This is the same process you can use for your child to learn Lua. Coding can be challenging, so make sure that learning is fun and engaging for them so they stick with it. 

If your child has no experience, use this process to learn Lua coding:

  1. Learn the fundamentals of Lua programming
  2. Do hands-on practice with projects
  3. Use gamified learning to motivate
  4. Practice, practice, practice!

1. Learn the fundamentals of Lua programming 

Start with the basics of the Lua language including variables, data types, loops, and control structures. Kids should understand these concepts and be able to write and express them in Lua code.

However your child learns best, they can apply it to their Lua studies. To learn these principles, there are resources like tutorials, classes, videos, and games. To practice writing code, kids can install Lua on the computer, use a text editor to write the code, and run it in the terminal. It’s also possible to run Lua code with no setup using One Compiler

There they can practice writing the syntax. Once they know the basics, they can apply multiple coding concepts to a bigger project.  

2. Do hands-on practice with projects

It’s proven that most kids learn best by doing. So give them hands-on practice to apply the skills they’ve learned with projects that grow with their skill level.

They should find a project that appeals to their interests and matches their skill level. In this process, they can be creative and or just start by mimicking other projects and features created in Lua. This allows kids to practice the skills they’ve learned while creating a portfolio of their work. 

We usually start with a simple project idea, then expand and add on to that idea. These practice projects can be applied in game development in platforms like Roblox Studio and Love2D. These environments give students instant feedback when they can see their code in action.

3. Use gamified learning to motivate

Encourage continued learning by making it a game. Gamified learning is effective for motivating kids and adds fun to the learning process. In our gamified coding platform, kids earn badges and points. Plus, they’re entered for prizes for actions like completing homework and advancing in classes.

Platforms like Codewars offer fun coding puzzles for Lua. These challenges help kids practice problem-solving in a game-like environment, which keeps them engaged. Many platforms give rewards or badges as kids progress, making learning feel like leveling up in a game.

4. Practice, practice, practice! 

Practice is crucial for learning any programming language. The more kids practice, the more they will progress. Writing code regularly will continuously reinforce their skills.

One-time classes and camps aren’t a good introduction, but won’t teach your child how to code. Kids require spaced repetition in learning and a progression of difficulty. They should be practicing these skills over time and applying them. By practicing just a few minutes daily or weekly, they’re significantly more likely to retain their learning. 

Students will get a lot of practice through doing projects in a safe place where they can learn from their mistakes. Continued practice takes persistence and as their skills improve they’ll build their problem-solving, confidence, and coding skills too.

Apps that run on Lua

Lua is currently the leading scripting application for games. These are some popular games that use Lua:

Gaming Applications of Lua 

gaming applications of lua

However, Lua is not only used in game development. Web apps, industrial programs, and existing software use Lua. These industrial applications also use Lua.

Industrial Applications of Lua

industrial applications of lua

Code your first Lua script

Now that you know more about Lua, challenge your child can write their first Lua script. 

In the 1-week Roblox summer camps we use Roblox Studio because it provides a built-in editor for Lua scripts. It also allows kids to see their code executed in an actual game! 

Let’s use Roblox Studio to write our first script. This will make a blinking block that appears and disappears in an obby game. 

Steps to create a script in Roblox Studio:

  1. Download and Install Roblox Studio
  2. Create a Game Using a Template
  3. Edit the Part You Want to Add a Script To
  4. Add a Script File
  5. Create a Variable called platform
  6. Create a Function called disappear
  7. Create a Function called appear
  8. Create a Loop to Toggle the Visibility

1. Download and Install Roblox Studio

2. Create a Game Using a Template

select a classic obby

3. Edit the Part You Want to Add a Script To

Rename a Roblox part

4. Add a Script File

Rename Roblox part
Add Roblox script
Add Roblox script
  1. Create a variable called platform
    • Create a variable for the platform called platform, where the value is script.Parent. script.Parent is used to find the object the script is located in.

Add this code:

local platform = script.Parent

6. Create a Function called disappear

We want our part to disappear then reappear. First, let’s add the logic to make the part disappear.

Add this code:

local function disappear()

    platform.CanCollide = false

    platform.Transparency = 1


7. Create a function called appear. 

Add this code:

local function appear()

    platform.CanCollide = true

    platform.Transparency = 0


8. Create a Loop to Toggle the Visibility

We have the logic to make the part disappear and reappear, but we need to make the part blink slowly.


Add this code:

while true do






completed script for Roblox disappearing part

The first script is complete, press the play button to see the part blinking! 

Press play for Roblox game

This is just one of many features kids can use to customize their Roblox games. It’s very simple and fast, so get creative and start scripting.

Programs for coding in Lua 

Kids want the immediate gratification of seeing their work come to life. They can do this by using Lua with a front end program. 

Each of these programs uses Lua code and can be used as teaching tools for Lua:

Roblox Studio

Roblox provides an easy-to-use game editor, called Roblox Studio. This is where kids can create and extend their games using Lua scripts. Lua scripting is integral to building games in Roblox. Scripts can power the gameplay, interactions, design, and user experience. With Lua and Roblox studio, kids can create a unique and dynamic game that they can then publish on all platforms including mobile, desktop, console, and VR.


Love2D is a popular framework for kids to make 2D games using Lua. In Love2D, Lua powers everything including the game logic, graphics rendering, input, and audio. Love simplifies game development using Lua so kids can focus on creating their game rather than dealing with the low-level details. Love is completely free and open source. There is an active community that can help kids when they are stuck. People also post their games and projects in the forum, so kids have inspiration and examples. 


Solar2D is a 2D game engine that focuses on ease of iterations and usage. It is Lua-based but can call any native (C/C++/Obj-C/Java) library or API using Solar2D Native. It’s a versatile framework that makes game development efficient and accessible, which is great for kids. It is also free and open source. Kids can develop games for mobile, desktop, and connected TV devices. There’s a free code exchange where kids can search other developer repositories and fork the code.

Join a Roblox camp to learn Lua!

Coding in Lua is not only fun but beneficial for kids. They’ll learn more than just how to write code. They’ll be able to effectively solve problems and make decisions. 

Our 1-week Roblox camp teaches kids how to build games in Roblox Studio and write Lua scripts. Get your child interested in coding with their favorite games. You’ll give them the opportunity to become creators and build the skills that will make them successful in the future. 

Enroll in a top-rated Roblox camp this summer to learn Lua coding and game development.