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Course Description

The Wizard Level 3 Capstone marks the final stage of our elementary school curriculum’s Wizard Level 3, where students demonstrate their proficiency in HTML, CSS, Responsive websites, and JavaScript by creating a series of larger and more complex projects. Capstone courses challenge students to be more creative and allow them more freedom to explore and engage with the concepts they’ve learned. As part of the capstone, they’ll build three projects: a responsive website, an interactive game, and another game while promoting it through a website. After completing this course, students graduate from the elementary school program and enter Responsive Web Developer, the second course in Wizard Level 2 of our middle school program.

Elementary school girl in class

Learning Objectives

When students complete the Wizard Level III Capstone course, they will be able to:

  • Implement the knowledge acquired in Wizard Level 3 to create dynamic websites and web applications.
  • Demonstrate their creative ability by building websites from scratch using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Demonstrate independence through building larger personal projects with minimal guidance from our curriculum and instructors.
Level I


These courses must be completed before Wizard Level III Capstone:

Wizard Level 3 Capstone Lessons Expand All Lessons
  • My Coding Journey Part 1
    1. My Coding Journey Part 1
    In the first lesson of this capstone, students begin a portfolio website called “My Coding Journey,” which they will work on over the next four lessons. This allows them to refresh their knowledge of Creating Websites with HTML/CSS and Responsive Websites with HTML/CSS while giving them more room for creativity. In this lesson, they cover topics such as HTML Structure, Semantic tags, CSS variables, and navigation. Primarily, they create the main section of their portfolio website and style it using CSS.
  • My Coding Journey Part 2
    2. My Coding Journey Part 2
    In this lesson, students continue enhancing their Home page by showcasing the programming languages they have learned and reflecting on their coding journey. To make the website visually appealing, they will incorporate minimal animations. Once the Home page is complete, they focus on ensuring it is responsive so it displays beautifully on all devices. They will review key concepts such as animations, jQuery, and CSS media queries throughout this process.
  • My Coding Journey Part 3
    3. My Coding Journey Part 3
    In this lesson, students create a new page in their Coding Journey Website—the About page. They review several important concepts, including setting responsive widths for images, using anchor tags for navigation, and adding background images. Additionally, they apply CSS media queries to ensure the About page is fully responsive.
  • My Coding Journey Part 4
    4. My Coding Journey Part 4
    In this lesson, students complete their Coding Journey Website by creating the main page to showcase the projects they have worked on. They utilize class selectors to ensure consistent styling across all projects. Additionally, they implement advanced concepts such as flexbox to enhance the layout and design of the page.
  • The Wizard Dice Part 1
    5. The Wizard Dice Part 1
    In the second part of this capstone course, students embark on a wizard dice game inspired by snakes and ladders, reinforcing concepts learned in their Introduction to JavaScript for the game logic and Creating Websites with HTML/CSS for the game structure. In this lesson, they concentrate on creating the game structure, practicing key concepts such as loops to generate repetitive game boxes and using JavaScript functions to maintain clean, organized code.
  • The Wizard Dice Part 2
    6. The Wizard Dice Part 2
    In this lesson, students focus on the game’s logic by generating a random number each time the user rolls the dice. They implement player turn switching and visually display the current player’s turn. Throughout this process, they revisit key concepts from the Introduction to JavaScript course, including the Math module, event handlers, conditional statements, and audio integration.
  • The Wizard Dice Part 3
    7. The Wizard Dice Part 3
    In this lesson, students implement player movement throughout the game and declare the winner as the first player to reach the end. They enhance the game experience by allowing users to enter their names before starting. To achieve all this, they utilize various jQuery methods for seamless functionality.
  • The Wizard Dice Part 4
    8. The Wizard Dice Part 4
    In this lesson, students complete their “Wizard Dice Game” by incorporating exciting obstacles such as gems and bombs. They manage player scores and adjust movements based on interactions with these obstacles. Throughout this process, they practice using JavaScript objects, loops, and increment/decrement operators to effectively manage scores.
  • Zombie Attack Part 1
    9. Zombie Attack Part 1
    In the final part of this capstone course, students begin developing the “Zombie Attack Game,” which they will also promote through a website. In this lesson, they introduce zombies and implement movement, positioning them randomly every second. Additionally, they add a timer to the game. Throughout this process, students practice concepts such as background management, the Math module, and intervals to implement the game logic effectively.
  • Zombie Attack Part 2
    10. Zombie Attack Part 2
    In this lesson, students advance their Zombie Attack game by programming zombies to move at regular intervals and allowing players to attack them with a click. They also implement a system to determine the winner of the game and add various difficulty levels. Additionally, they also add background music which is incorporated to enhance the gaming experience, and a super zombie who needs to be attacked multiple times to add some excitement to the game.
  • Zombie Attack Part 3
    11. Zombie Attack Part 3
    In this class, students focus on building a promotional website for their Zombie Attack Game. They design and style a navigation menu using CSS to ensure smooth site navigation. The website features a compelling section with an engaging phrase about the game, a screenshot of the gameplay, and a play button. Students also highlight the game’s characters through carefully crafted visuals and add subtle animations to enhance the overall user experience.
  • Zombie Attack Part 4
    12. Zombie Attack Part 4
    In this class, students complete their final project for the capstone course: the Zombie Attack game. They finalize the Home page of their promotional website, ensuring it is fully responsive. Additionally, they create a Contact page for the website to announce a surprise gift for their users. They practice concepts like viewport meta tag, flexbox and inputs while working on this.

Class Schedule

All students start in Animation and Gaming in Scratch at Wizard Level I. If you have previous coding experience, take the Advanced Placement test. Returning students can continue with the class where they left off.

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#1 Most Comprehensive Program for Your Student’s Success!

The CodeWizardsHQ program comes with everything your child needs to be successful in learning to code.

All of the below are included at no extra cost.

Interactive Live Classes
Structured and Comprehensive Curriculum
Video Recordings of Every Class
Downloadable Slides for Every Class
1×1 Office Hours (Advanced Courses)
Weekly Progress Report & Alerts
Daily Homework Help
Individual Course Certification
Highly Qualified and Experienced Teachers
24/7 Access to Proprietary Coding Platform
Supportive Online Student Community
Path to Real-World Internship
Hands-on, Project Based Learning

Course Duration & Time Commitment
All courses are 12 weeks long. A Wizard will receive a certification for their achievement at the end of the course.

Expect a weekly time commitment of 2-3 hours. 55 minutes of class time, plus 1-2 hours of practice time, with instructor support throughout, including weekends.

100% Guarantee

Our goal is to make all our students successful. If your child is not happy with our program, please notify us within the first four class sessions and you will receive a full refund. See refund details.

Get Your Wizard Started

Start coding with our experienced teachers today.
Enroll risk-free with our 4 session money-back guarantee. Full guarantee details.