There are a lot of positives to screen time if we can learn how to tap into them. That does beg a certain question. How can we tap into the positives of screen time? This month’s haul of resources gives us a bit of inspiration and tools to get your kids, young and older, coding.

Screen Time Can Be Good

1. The Upside to Screen Time

As the guilt of too much screen time starts to nag, Dr. Jenny Radesky has some hope for us. Check out all the benefits of screen time Dr. Radesky lists and check in on the potential your kid has.

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6 year old developer wins guinness

2. A 6 year old became the world’s youngest computer programmer

What’s more impressive, getting into the Guinness Book of World records at age 6 or mastering Python in 6 months? Not every kid can be the youngest computer programmer, but we can all be inspired.

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Bahamian Teen Codes

3. Bahamian pre-teen launches initiative to teach kids how to code

Chelsea didn’t quit when coding became boring for her but she was worried that other kids might. To prevent this, she cultivated content that spoke to their interests. Chelsea shared her skills and now her story.

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Written in Her Code

4. Written in Her Code

Where does coding education start for our kids? Too few schools are offering computer science education. But teachers are starting to notice this void, and they’re stepping up to the challenge.

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STEM kids in libraries

5. Library Introduces STEM Kits for Children

Teachers aren’t the only ones stepping up. Librarians are looking for ways to help get kids into STEM, too. Neuse Regional Library found these STEM kits as an exciting option to make that happen.

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Learning About AI

6. Learning with — and about — AI technology

As AI starts to take off, there are some major questions that educators are beginning to ask. How do we help kids learn this technology? And how do we make this accessible to all kids?

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Best Tablets for Kids

7. The 4 Best Tablets for Kids on the Market Today

Educators have already started asking the important questions. Now, it’s time for parents to start asking what the right equipment is for our kids to take off in the digital age.

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Best Coding Apps for Kids

8. Best Coding Apps for your Coding Obsessed Kids

Keep coding education fun and relating to kids interests, apps are perfect for introducing coding concepts without making it seem like work. It’s guilt-free screen time.

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Break Into Technology

9. 4 Paths for Breaking into the Technology Industry in 2021

What about when your kids are older? Kids in high school and college may be considering a career in technology. How do they break into the tech field? This article has 4 options to consider.

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40 Tweets

10. 40 Tweets About Parenting With Today’s Technology

This digital age is a new one. It’s new for our kids and it’s new for parents. This article has collected tweets from the joys and struggles of parenting next to Alexa. It’s worth a laugh.

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