As the world becomes smaller, we wonder how we impact this planet. Sometimes we wonder and worry about the future. September’s Top 10 posts reveal concerns and hopes for a future impacted and driven by technology.
Summer programs now available!
3-week summer classes and 1-week coding camps. Enroll today.
Ted Radio Hour: Anthropocene
This Ted Radio Hour broadcast from 2016 is still very relevant today. Learn how humans and technology are ushering in a new geological era called the Anthropocene.
Why You Should Never Borrow Someone Else’s Charging Cable
You wouldn’t borrow someone else’s underwear – the same goes for using someone else’s charging cable. This article from Forbes details the latest security threat from savvy hackers.
Programming languages: Which was most popular each year?
This article about the TIOBE Programming Hall of Fame, lists the most popular programming languages from 2003 – 2018. You might be surprised when you see the winners!
5 Programming Languages That Are Probably Doomed
Technology is a fast-moving, rapidly changing beast. These five popular programming languages were once a staple of business, but are now declining in popularity.
The Only Learning Resources Your Children Will Ever Need To Be Smarter
Using online resources for learning is one of the best ways to prepare students for college. This article, by Life Hack, provides 10 quality, online learning resources for parents and students.
UW launches new school of computer science
The University of Wisconsin-Madison has launched a new school of Computer Science in response to a shortage of computer professionals and an increase in technology students.
This Teen Hacker Found Bugs in School Software That Exposed Millions of Records
18-year-old Bill Demirkapi, white-hat hacker, spent his time after school hacking into two education software giants.
Social spending on kids yields biggest bang for the buck
Not only is it the right thing to do, but it’s also the smart thing to do. According to a new scientific study, investing in children from lower income homes pays big benefits.
Apple Will Give You $1 Million to Hack an iPhone
It’s the biggest prize Apple has ever offered. Apple and other large tech companies are paying big bucks to people who will “hack and tell” proving that vulnerabilities are a top priority.
The Secret to Being a Top Developer Is Building Things! Here’s a List of Fun Apps to Build!
This article provides a list of eight coding projects to build using the language or tool of your choice. Have fun while you are learning and build your coding muscle!