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Coding Classes for Kids, Boy Crossing Arms and Smiling

Course Description

In this course, students learn to use advanced web APIs and master the art of code reusability. Real-world programmers often reuse software written by other programmers in their applications. APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) allow different applications to interact and share all kinds of useful information.

Coding Classes for Kids, Girl In Class Smiling

Learning Objectives

When students complete Application Programming Interfaces, they will be able to:

  •  Browser and Third-Party APIs
  •  JavaScript Promises
  •  GET and POST Requests
Wizard Level II


These courses must be completed before Application Programming Interfaces:

Application Programming Interfaces Expand All Lessons
  • Application Programming Interfaces Lesson 1
    1. Introduction to Application Programming Interfaces

    In this lesson, students are introduced to what an API is and the value of learning how to utilize APIs to connect different applications. Students create an ISS (International Space Station) tracker using the ISS API. Ajax requests are used to interact with the ISS API.

  • Application Programming Interfaces Lesson 2
    2. Exploring the Browser APIs

    In this lesson, students learn about third-party and browser APIs. Students use the Navigator browser API to create a fun magic camera application. CSS filter properties are added to create interesting filter effects for the camera.

  • Application Programming Interfaces Lesson 3
    3. Making Promises to JavaScript

    In this lesson, students create an advice application using promise parameters to change the promise state of an API request. Students practice using AJAX requests to return JavaScript objects. Logic is added to process fulfilled and rejected promises.

  • Application Programming Interfaces Lesson 4
    4. Sending Data to API

    In this lesson, students create an application that helps them find activities when they are bored. Students create an API and send objects to the Ajax request using the data parameter so that only specific data is returned from the API. The application is enhanced by adding relevant background images.

  • Application Programming Interfaces Lesson 5
    5. Mid-term Project Part I

    In this lesson, students begin building the first part of the mid-term project. This engaging quiz project utilizes knowledge and skills learned so far to create APIs to ask and answer fun quiz questions. The application uses varying levels of difficulty and utilizes a for loop to traverse quiz categories.

  • Application Programming Interfaces Lesson 6
    6. Mid-term Project Part II

    In this lesson, students complete the quiz application started in lesson 5. The answer choices for quiz questions are put in random order using random library functions. Answer choices are saved to an array and processed.

  • Application Programming Interfaces Lesson 7
    7. Create an API key to log into the API

    In this lesson, students learn how to generate and use API keys to access an API. The Imagga API is used to obtain an API key allowing access to the API. Students create a fun and useful color extractor application.

  • Application Programming Interfaces Lesson 8
    8. Let’s explore the server side of an API

    In this lesson, students deal with large amounts of data and learn how to limit results with the In this lesson, students explore how a server is able to return data from an API request. Basic database concepts are covered along with basic SQlite commands. Students practice creating and using an API which accesses a database of songs, artists, and genres.

  • Application Programming Interfaces Lesson 9
    9. Inserting new data using an API

    In this lesson, students use GET and POST API requests to retrieve or add data to an existing database. AJAX type parameters are used to GET or POST data. Students practice posting new records to the music database used in previous lessons

  • Application Programming Interfaces Lesson 10
    10. Sending API Request from Python

    In this lesson, students learn how to use the Python request module to get or post API requests. Students utilize request status code as they build an engaging ASCII generator application. Students learn how to preserve formatting when printing a response.

  • Application Programming Interfaces Lesson 11
    11. The Final Project Part I

    Students begin building a final portfolio-worthy meme generator application using knowledge and skills learned throughout the classes. Loops and “in keywords” are used to add API information to an array for processing. Students practice sending a variety of options to the meme generator.

  • Application Programming Interfaces Lesson 12
    12. The Final Project Part II

    In this final lesson, students complete their API project by adding more functionality to their meme generator application. New memes urls are saved to a new database and an API is created to insert the values using Sqlite. The anonymous function is introduced.

Class Schedule

All students start in Intro to Programming at Wizard Level I. If you have previous coding experience, take the Advanced Placement test. Returning students can continue with the class where they left off.

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#1 Most Comprehensive Program for Your Student’s Success!

The CodeWizardsHQ program comes with everything your child needs to be successful in learning to code.

All of the below are included at no extra cost.

Interactive Live Classes
Structured and Comprehensive Curriculum
Video Recordings of Every Class
Downloadable Slides for Every Class
1×1 Office Hours (Advanced Courses)
Weekly Progress Report & Alerts
Daily Homework Help
Individual Course Certification
Highly Qualified and Experienced Teachers
24/7 Access to Proprietary Coding Platform
Supportive Online Student Community
Path to Real-World Internship
Hands-on, Project Based Learning

Course Duration & Time Commitment
All courses are 12 weeks long. A Wizard will receive a certification for their achievement at the end of the course.

Expect a weekly time commitment of 2-3 hours. 55 minutes of class time, plus 1-2 hours of practice time, with instructor support throughout, including weekends.

100% Guarantee

Our goal is to make all our students successful. If your child is not happy with our program, please notify us within the first four class sessions and you will receive a full refund. See refund details.

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