Course Description
In Logic with Python, the second course in Wizard Level 2 of our elementary curriculum, students build upon their fundamental programming knowledge while continuing to expand their skillset. They’ll solidify their understanding of conditional logic, lists, loops, and functions while learning new concepts such as user-defined functions and dictionaries. After completing this course, students will be capable of creating full-fledged apps and games on their own using the Python programming language. They’ll be well-prepared for the next course in our structured curriculum: Modular Programming with Python.
Learning Objectives
When students complete Logic with Python, they will be able to:
- Create programs to solve real-world problems using intermediate-level programming logic.
- Model data using Python’s built-in list and dictionary data structures.
- Develop interactive games and applications using our custom libraries and Python’s built-in modules.
These courses must be completed before Logic with Python:
- Wizard Level 1
- Wizard Level 2, Course 1 : Programming Fundamentals with Python
1. Python Refresher
In the first lesson of Logic With Python, students will refresh their fundamental programming skills by creating their own gameshow called Wizard Feud. This interactive project will reinforce key concepts such as variables, conditional statements, basic functions, and importing modules from the Python standard library. By the end of this lesson, students will be well-equipped to tackle important new programming concepts as they continue on their journey through this engaging course.
2. Intro to User-defined Functions
In this lesson, students put their programming skills to the test as they create user-defined functions to add and make fishes swim in an aquarium. This activity marks the first time that students will be working with user-defined functions in text-based code, building upon their previous introduction to the concept in Scratch. As they work through this lesson, students will also have the chance to apply previously learned concepts such as loops, random values, and animations, making this a well-rounded and engaging learning experience.
3. Logical and Comparison Operators
In this lesson, students will use logical and comparison operators to save a space station from incoming asteroids. By coding the logic for a laser defense system that destroys asteroids when they are clicked on, students will learn about these important programming concepts while also expanding their understanding of user-defined functions.
4. While Loops and Lists
In this lesson, students will use their skills to help update Toy Kingdom’s factory line logic. By using while loops and lists together to run the factory, students will learn about how these concepts can work together. They will also use the break statement to stop the loop if a recalled toy is created while also selecting random values from a list, making this a well-rounded and engaging learning experience.
5. Modifying Lists
In this lesson, students assemble a superhero team to defend against a group of supervillains. They do so by creating a list of heroes, then adding and removing these heroes as needed. This lesson demonstrates the importance of data structures in creating an efficient and well-written program. Students learn how to add and remove list elements and also how to use built-in Python functions to sort and get the length of a list.
6. Intro to Game Creation
In this lesson, students learn about the basics of game creation by making their very own mini-game. The game involves jumping over enemy characters to avoid them and the students have creative freedom with which characters they use. This is a refresher on concepts they’ve learned in this course so far while also learning new functions to use and how to implement game controls with keyboard input.
7. Create your own character
In this lesson, students create an online ticket ordering system for Seven Seas Water Park. This lesson introduces Python’s dictionary data structure while teaching students how to create a basic graphical interface. In this foundational lesson, students learn how to create and add values to dictionaries and also learn how to work with text boxes to obtain and process user input.
8. Dictionaries Part 2
In this lesson, students learn how dictionaries store and access data in key/value pairs. In doing so, they create a “crafting menu” application, a feature in many popular games that allows the player to build tools from certain materials stored in an inventory. This lesson teaches students about looping through dictionaries, using comparison operators, and adding new features to previously written code.
9. Function Parameters
In this lesson, students learn the value of passing data into functions through parameters. They create a secret agent game where the player avoids guards while getting to their computer systems and shutting them down. This lesson also serves as a refresher in obtaining keyboard input, animating characters, and checking collisions between two elements.
10. Dictionaries Workout
In this lesson, students create a game where they catch escaped zoo animals to return them back home which allows them to further practice using Python’s dictionary data structure. They create and update dictionary values while looping through the dictionary to display the number of animals the player caught.
11. Final Project Part 1
In this lesson, students will begin coding their final project, a platformer game that consolidates all the knowledge they have acquired throughout this course. They will create the logic for the player’s movement, add enemies, and implement a health system that ends the game when the player runs out of health points. This project covers a range of important programming concepts including user-defined functions, keyboard input, and collisions.
12. Final Project Part 2
In this final lesson, students will solidify their knowledge of dictionaries, user-defined functions, and for loops as they finish their platformer game. They will implement a level system that adds new enemies every time the player completes a section of the game and then create a game-win screen that displays the player’s stats. By the end of this lesson, students will have a comprehensive understanding of these important programming concepts and be able to apply them to their own projects.
Class Schedule
All students start in Animation and Gaming in Scratch at Wizard Level I. If you have previous coding experience, take the Advanced Placement test. Returning students can continue with the class where they left off.
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Course Duration & Time Commitment
All courses are 12 weeks long. A Wizard will receive a certification for their achievement at the end of the course.
Expect a weekly time commitment of 2-3 hours. 55 minutes of class time, plus 1-2 hours of practice time, with instructor support throughout, including weekends.
100% Guarantee
Our goal is to make all our students successful. If your child is not happy with our program, please notify us within the first four class sessions and you will receive a full refund. See refund details.
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