The holidays are here and there is much to thankful for, especially the safety and security of our families online. This month top 10 highlights cybersecurity and also goes over some great resources for remote learning!
1. 18 Chromebook keyboard shortcuts every student should know
Now that many students have gone remote, schools are passing out Chromebooks like candy. However, many schools give limited instructions as to how to effectively use Chromebooks. This is a fantastic list of keyboard shortcuts that your kid should know!
2. Coding for kids: how children learn to program and have fun doing it
Are you still trying to figure out how to make coding fun for your child? This article shares the important reasons your kid should learn to code and different platforms to help you do just that! Of course, our coding classes are a great choice too.
3. 10 benefits of coding beyond the computer
You may not be convinced that coding is one of the most important 21st century skills you could teach your kid. Check out this article to get an in-depth explanation of the soft skills that coding teaches kids for success in work and life.
4. 5 handy tips for early coders!
Coding can be incredibly hard at times so we often rely on the experience of others to guide us. That’s why handy tips like these can go a long way. This article covers 5 tips for early coders, all of which I’ve implemented in my own life!
5. Spooky Splats Coding Game for Kids
Halloween has passed, but you can play the Spooky Splats game through the holidays with your family. Unruly Splats uses code to deliver an adventure in a haunted house where your job is to keep the lights on. Play now!
6. Junior coding app teaches how kids can spot security flaws
What other exciting thing happens in October besides Halloween? National Cybersecurity Awareness Month! This article celebrates Cybersecurity by sharing a cool app that teaches young kids how to find security flaws.
7. This Jewish Teen Is Making Computer Coding Accessible to All Kids
Noah Rubin, a 17-year-old coding guru is helping out his community by teaching other kids how to code. Read how and why he did it!
8. The Importance of Teaching Kids About Cybersecurity and Privacy
Since it is National Cybersecurity Awareness Month, here is a great article that talks about the importance of teaching kids about cybersecurity and privacy. Both of which are extremely important subjects for the safety of your child.
9. Internet Safety Guide for Kids
You’re probably well aware that keeping your child safe while they browse the Internet is extremely important. Read about some of the most common threats to your child online, as well as some ways that you can keep your child safe.
10. All-girl teen coding team develops app that rates restaurants on COVID-19 safety
Recently, there has been a big push for more women to get into STEM. Check out how this inventive group of girls, ages 16 to 19, created an app that rates restaurants on how safe they are in relation to the coronavirus!