Preparing our children for the future is to prepare them for jobs that don’t exist yet.

One area that will open up some very interesting jobs and careers over the next 10-15 years is driverless cars.

And, driverless cars are mostly made of software.

Last week, I met this interesting team that demonstrated the core construct of driverless cars. Even though they are doing it for educational purposes, it explained the core idea pretty well.

The car is basically taking pictures and sending sensory information to a computer. After computation, the computer sends information back to the car on how it should move.

It is a Python program that does all of the computations on the information received and converts it back to usable commands to be sent back to the car.

If you think about it, the bulk of the challenge to making this work reliably is in the software.

If your son or daughter would like to work on driverless cars, it is more likely they would be working on software. Even if they work on the hardware parts of the project, it is impossible to be effective without understanding software.

Therein lies the need of why kids really need to learn code and the promise of getting our children future ready.