Meet the Taggart family from Jensen, Utah, and find out how learning to code with CodeWizardsHQ has led Andrew to be our Student of the Month!

Here are two of Andrew’s Projects:

CodeWizardsHQ’s community spreads around the world. We are lucky to have amazing families like the Taggart family! They have three children: Andrew, 11, Connor, 9, and Lizzy, 7. Andrew was kind enough to answer a few questions about their #codingadventure.

Q. What’s your coding background, Andrew?

Andrew student spotlight

A: I’ve always enjoyed technology and I found out about Scratch coding when I was 8. I quickly outgrew it and my programs became too long for Scratch’s old software to handle. So I started programming Python and HTML and a few years later, I decided that I wanted to take a coding class and that’s how we found CWHQ.

Q: What are your family’s hobbies?

A: Camping, riding bikes, fishing, playing games together.

Q: What subjects do your children enjoy in school?

A: Sciences and technology.

Q: Anything else fun and interesting you’d like to share about your family?

A: We have a large market garden that is almost 2 acres where we grow and sell vegetables to families in our community through our family business. We work together as a family to grow and harvest vegetables.

Q: How did you find out about CWHQ?

A: A Google search.

Q: What are some things you like about learning to code with CWHQ?

A: My teacher, the community at CWHQ.

Q: Last of all, what plans do you have for coding in your family’s future?

A: I will be working on our website for our family business as well as writing apps for my parents to help with the management of the garden and customers.

Q: To Mr. & Mrs. Taggart: What goals or dreams do you have for your children in relation to coding?

A: We hope that Andrew can write the programs that he envisions to create in order to help and better the world around him.

What his teacher, Ivann Grande, says about Andrew:

Andrew’s interest in coding has constantly been developing throughout his young life. He shows discipline and interest in anything that he does. He will go out of his way to customize his projects, just so he can continue coding. Andrew is always the first to help answer any questions his classmates may have and always involved in the CodewizardsHQ community. It is always a joy to have him in class and I’ve enjoyed his presence in every class.

Andrew also shared with me his family farm website which I absolutely love. Search “Heritage Family Gardens”. The first photos you see are of him and his family. In the group photo, he is the one on the far right. He was talking about how he’s been busy harvesting all his plants these past few weeks on his 20+ acre farm with his family. He and his family sell their produce to nearby towns in Utah using their website. Such a sweet and genuine family. I’m glad you’re doing a spotlight on him.

Some of his projects are very simple and not as “flashy” as other students, but this project shows a bit of his innovation. This project was made so that random cars are loaded into the page every time it loads.