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$39 $20 Introductory Coding Class for CS Education Week

Participation supports your school: 50% of the registration fees will be donated to the school parent association/organization of your choosing.

LIMITED TIME OFFER: Enrollment ends 12/12/2021, 11:59pm CST. Space is limited, so reserve your child’s spot now!

Introduce valuable coding and computer science skills to your child at an unbelievable price this Computer Science Education Week!

This 1-hour class is $20 for a limited time(normally $39). We will donate $10 of the class tuition to the school parent group/association of your choosing!

This offer is for students new to the CodeWizardsHQ program only, one class per student.

Scratch coding classes

Scratch Concepts Class

  • Ages 8-10 (Elementary School Class)
  • Learn to Code in Scratch
  • Build an Interactive Ping Pong Game (Pong)
  • Beginner Friendly

Python concepts coding classes

Python Concepts Class

  • Ages 11-13 (Middle School Class)
  • Learn to Code in Python
  • Build a Customized Web Avatar
  • Beginner Friendly
High school python concepts coding classes

Python Concepts Class

  • Ages 14-18 (High School Class)
  • Learn to Code in Python
  • Build an Interactive Which Superhero are You? Quiz
  • Beginner Friendly

Boy typing in code editor

1-Hour Coding Class Details

  • 1-Hour Coding Class in Scratch or Python
  • Live, Teacher-Led Online Class
  • Beginner Friendly, No Experience Needed
  • Students Attend Class from Home. No Driving for Parents.
  • Hands-On, Interactive Class
  • Custom-Built Coding Platform
  • Try Out Coding from Home!
  • Offer is for students new to the CodeWizardHQ program

The CodeWizardsHQ Advantage

Our reviews speak for themselves.

Registration Closed:

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Questions? We Are Here to Help.

Easy answers to some common questions.

What technology do we need for class?

Students will be using our browser-based code editor to write real code. They don’t need to download or install special software.

You will need the following: 

1) A computer with a keyboard, microphone, and speaker – almost all laptops bought within the last five years ago should have these. Chromebooks and iPads are not compatible with our platform.

2) A web browser installed, like Chrome (recommended) or Firefox, Safari, or Internet Explorer.; and 

3) A reliable internet connection. Also, a headset is great so students can keep their hands free, but it isn’t required.

See full details on What Technology is Needed for Class.


Can students use tablets?

Unfortunately no. Because they will be writing typed-code and seeing their work in real-time, they need a computer or laptop with a separate keyboard.

Do you offer refunds?

All introductory classes are non-refundable. However, to accommodate unforeseen circumstances, we do allow up to one (1) convenience transfer to move a student to a different class when one is scheduled and available. To request a convenience transfer, please call CodeWizardsHQ at 1-800-213-2417.

What if my student already has experience coding?

Not a problem!  These courses should still provide a fun exercise for your student as well as the opportunity to check out how our classes work.