Technology, innovation, and creativity are shaping and changing our world at an alarming rate. In this month’s Top 10 there’s a clear focus on how creativity and innovation transform our world – sometimes in controversial ways.

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Top 10 Coding For Kids, Xochitl-Solar

8 Year-Old Mexican Girl Invents A Solar Water Heater & Wins Nuclear Science Prize

Xochitl Cruz invented a solar device to heat water in order to combat deforestation. People across the globe lack access to electricity or natural gas to heat water so they burn wood.

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Pauline Potvitsky headshot

A Hesitant Newbie Takes on Coding

Pauline Potvitsky shares her honest story of what it was like to take her first computer science course. Although she was hesitant and faced some challenges, she is glad she took the leap into CS.

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Top10 Coding for Kids, Best Languages

11 Popular Programming Languages to Open Doors

This article provides a concise summary of what differentiates one programming language from another, and which career paths each language lends itself to.

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Top10 Coding for Kids, Jonathan

Against All The Odds  –  Jonathan’s Story

A young man who never liked school and lacked direction in his life experienced a complete turnaround after taking a one-week computer course. He is now a successful freelance developer.

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Top10 Coding for Kids, Curious Students

Curious Kids: how do mobile phones and tablets work?

Are you curious about how tablets mobile phones work? This article breaks down technology into easy, understandable “bytes” suitable for all ages.

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Top10 Coding For Kids, Cyber Security

Cyber Security Week: 4 Tips to Be Consistently Safe Online

Online safety is a concern for everyone. Knowing how to protect yourself from cyber crime is more important than ever. This article gives some simple tips for how to stay safe online.

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Top10 Coding for Kids, Marty Chavez

Marty Chavez: Coding on Wall St. Is as Important as Writing English

An expert Wall Street executive explains why coding skills are just as important as writing skills to Wall Street companies during this video interview.

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Top10 Coding for Kids, Adult Students

Learning to code – a skill for all ages

Singapore has implemented a program to build coding skills among its aging workers. As robots replace traditional job skills, more adults will need coding skills to fill the need in technology fields.

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Top10 Coding for Kids, Virtual Models

Balmain reveals line-up of virtual models for latest campaign

Balmain, a luxury French fashion house, has introduced virtual models for its latest advertising campaign. These controversial digital supermodels already have thousands of followers on social media.

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Top 10 Tech Articles, Apps to Build

That Music You’re Dancing To? It’s Code

Music focused coding environments allow for the creation of live coding events, which are becoming popular in major world cities. Creating music through code is an artistic and creative release for these unique musicians.

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